A Reflection on Two Years

I remember vividly the joke Joe made right before the first two week shutdown.  ‘Now don’t you guys get lazy on us and stop running for these two weeks!’ It was a week after our one year anniversary and just a few days after our largest month of membership.

As we all know, the pandemic has lasted much longer than that, and in more ways than one we are still not out of the clear.

We were so happy and grateful for what the gym had evolved into in its first year. From 18 students at opening to 125 students at our one year anniversary. From no fighters to an up and coming team with skilled, experienced A-class ammys and a bunch of young and hungry new fighters. The gym was growing at the perfect pace and running exactly as we had planned—operating as a place for the neighborhood to utilize to get in shape and learn a new skill while simultaneously running as a fighters gym growing skilled and hungry Muay Thai tacticians.


The pandemic kicked us square in the jewels, dropping membership down to 13 and testing our grit, business acumen, and optimism. That all being said, at the end of year two, we are right back to growing, evolving, and supporting the neighborhood and fighters alike.

To our members that paid dues when we couldn’t offer our full range of services, and supported us through the Zoom workouts,  Columbus Park ‘Parmed Forces’ protests, and masked bag classes—we can’t thank y’all enough. You kept the gym afloat and kept the dream going. You know who you are, and we are immensely grateful.

We say this often, but it can always be repeated. Juniper isn’t about us. There is no cult of personality, no ‘do it for the coaches’, or push for BS contracts & personal lesson peddling. It’s about each of your individual goals, the collective team, and pushing past your perceived barriers and limits.

To our fighters—stay hungry and never lose your student mentality. The best of the best never stop growing, never stop learning, and never stop working hard. Our style works best in a full rules, five round fight. For those of you that get to that point, there is nothing more gratifying than clashing shin on shin, digging deep and pulling out some hard earned Ws.

To the kiddos—whether you stop Muay Thai when you head off to college or trade school, or practice the art for the rest of your life, the lessons of grit and hard work will never leave you. We don’t go easy on y’all (as your parents can see)… It’s not about the punching and kicking, it’s about learning how to persevere and be tough. To face challenges head on and not give up.

To the members in the Women’s Muay Thai Program—Keep pushing yourselves, learning the sport, and asking questions. Many of you will end up doing both regular Muay Thai classes and Women’s classes. Many of you will stay in Women’s Muay Thai for your entire stay at the gym. Regardless, our goal is to get you a good workout while simultaneously still teaching you real Muay Thai skills and technique. The new crop of members are doing great, and we love training you all.


To our members who are waiting for the vaccine and an increased return to normalcy. We miss you all and can’t wait to see you back. If you have any questions about the increased safety policies, options to work without contact, or anything else, please let us know.

Year two was not what we expected, but if anything, it helped us double down on our commitment to the gym, the surrounding the community and the fighters who come to us to further their path within the sport. Thank you all for two years, and here’s to many, many more to come!

George, Joe, Casey, Jacqui
